Collaborative applicants for the Continuum of Care must complete the annual registration using e-SNAPS. Deadline for submission September 23, 2013.
Author Archives: Emily
Astonishing Decline of Homelessness in America
Study reveals, America’s homeless population – an estimated 633,000 people – has declined in the last decade.
Vital Signs Data Show Rise in Emergency Shelter Need
What Happens When Rental Properties Foreclose and Work is Still Needed?
The Chicago Tribune recently ran an article about rental properties that are already in disrepair, crumbling while moving through foreclosure. In the article, by Samantha Gross, it details individuals that are forced to live in unfathomable conditions because no one will take the responsibility for long awaited repairs. Check out: NYC tenants living amid mold, decay demand bank take on repairs for defaulted properties.
Ending Homelessness: An Editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
With a brief reference to the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, this editorial explores the moral responsibility for the homeless population. Ending Homelessness also pulls facts from the 2009 Point in Time survey and gives different reasons for homelessness. Lastly, this piece is a reminder that the 10 Year Plan goes before the Health and Human Needs and Economic Development committees in the next week, and the Common Council later this month!
10 Year Plan Kick-Off Event and Planning Day!
- 10 Year Plan Kick-Off Event
On Monday, February 22nd, 2010, the Milwaukee Continuum of Care held our annual planning day. This year we released our 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness. With over 80 people in attendance, Supervisor Peggy West delivered the opening remarks and Congresswoman Gwen Moore gave the keynote address over lunch. The excitement in the room was visible and everyone left energized to move forward and implement the plan to end homelessness!
A Sight All Too Familiar in Poor Neighborhoods
Matt Desmond, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been busy doing research around the debilitating problem of evictions. Matt recently worked with New York Times reporter, Erik Eckholm, on a story about residents in Milwaukee dealing with eviction. His article, ‘A Sight All Too Familiar in Poor Neighborhoods’ was published on February 19, 2010.